Open this file .aep through File menu- Open project- Browse location project files - Open
Press Ctrl + k, set the duration of the composition as you want, then press OK or drag manually Comp work area .
Go in project panel click Customization folder-Audio Spectrum. Select controller layer Effect control: Audio Spectrum 1,2,.. to edit audio spectrum, In effect controls panel there is Audio Spectrum - desired set of parameters in Effect Control Audio Spectrum . it's done.
Select controller layer to edit progress line duration, In effect controls panel there is Progress Bar Control - deselect the stop watch and move time indIcator at the start of composition, click on stop watch again in progress line control type value 0 then go to the end of the composition change value to 100. it's done.
Go in project panel right click on the image or video footage in media folder - Replace footage - File, browse your image or video file and click open.
If the image or video footage is not in the project file, Go in project panel (library and effects view) click media folder - Import footage (press Ctrl + I) - browse your image or video file - select the desired photo or video and click import.
Drag Image or video, Go in project panel right (library and effects view) click on the image or video footage in media folder- Drag image or video footage to Pre Background composition.
If the size of the photo or video footage resolution does not match size of the layer background resolution,Click on the image or video footage in Pre Background Composition - right click on the image or video footage - Transform - Fit to Comp or Fit to Comp Width or press Ctrl+Alt+F (Fit to Comp) or Ctrl+Alt+Shift (Fit to Comp Width).
Go in project panel right click on the audio or music footage in media folder - Replace footage - File, browse your audio or music files and click open.
If the audio or music is not in the project file, Go in project panel (library and effects view) click media folder - Import audio or music (press Ctrl + I) - browse your audio or music file - select the desired audio or music and click import.
Drag audio or music, Go in project panel right (library and effects view) click on the audio or music in media folder- Drag audio or music footage to Music Placeholder composition.
To convert the volume of this audio or music layer to keyframes (Audio Amplitude),Select audio or music in Music Placeholder Composition - go to the main menu - Animation - Keyframes Assistant - Convert Audio to Keyframes.
Go in project panel right click on the album art (logo) footage in media folder - Replace footage - File, browse your album art ( logo ) files and click open.
If the album art (logo) is not in the project file, Go in project panel (library and effects view) click media folder - Import logo(album art) (press Ctrl + I) - browse your logo(album art) file - select the desired logo(album art) and click import.
Drag album art(logo), Go in project panel right (library and effects view) click on the logo(album art) footage in media folder- Drag logo(album art) footage to Logo(Album Art) composition.
Go in effect controls panel to change color background, to enable Effect control panel go in Window menu - Effect control: Customization. -Click Layer Customization - Effect control: Customization panel- Background Color- click color rectangle (box)-choose color and click OK.
Go in effect controls panel to change color text, to enable Effect control panel go in Window menu - Effect control: Customization. -Click Layer Customization - Effect control: Customization panel- Color Text- click color rectangle (box) -choose color and click OK.
Go in effect controls panel to change color audio spectrum, to enable Effect control panel go in Window menu - Effect control: Customization. -Click Layer Customization - Effect control: Customization panel- Color Spectrum Control 2,3,... - click color rectangle (box) -choose color and click OK.
Go in effect controls panel to change color progress bar, to enable Effect control panel go in Window menu - Effect control: Customization. -Click Layer Customization - Effect control: Customization panel- Progress Bar Color- click color rectangle (box) -choose color and click OK.
Go in effect controls panel to use background image or video, to enable Effect control panel go in Window menu - Effect control: Customization. -Click Layer Customization - Effect control: Customization panel- Background Image / Video - click checkedbox (small box) -click until a check mark appears in the small box.
Go in effect controls panel to use background image or video, to enable Effect control panel go in Window menu - Effect control: Customization. -Click Layer Customization - Effect control: Customization panel- Background Image / Video - click checkedbox (small box) -click until a check mark disappears in the small box.
Go in effect controls panel to using logo , to enable Effect control panel go in Window menu - Effect control: Customization. -Click Layer Customization - Effect control: Customization panel- Logo - click checkedbox (small box) -click until a check mark appears in the small box.
Go in effect controls panel to using without logo, to enable Effect control panel go in Window menu - Effect control: Customization. -Click Layer Customization - Effect control: Customization panel- Logo - click checkedbox (small box) -click until a check mark disappears in the small box.
Go in effect controls panel to using progress bar, to enable Effect control panel go in Window menu - Effect control: Customization. -Click Layer Customization - Effect control: Customization panel- Progress Line Bar - click checkedbox (small box) -click until a check mark appears in the small box.
Go in effect controls panel to using without progress bar, to enable Effect control panel go in Window menu - Effect control: Customization. -Click Layer Customization - Effect control: Customization panel- Progress Line Bar - click checkedbox (small box) -click until a check mark disappears in the small box.
Go in effect controls panel to using all (background image, logo, progress bar), to enable Effect control panel go in Window menu - Effect control: Customization. -Click Layer Customization - Effect control:Customization panel- Background Image / Video, Logo, Progress Line Bar - click checkedbox (each small box) -Click until a check appears in all small boxes.
Go in effect controls panel to using without all (background image, logo, progress bar), to enable Effect control panel go in Window menu - Effect control: Customization. -Click Layer Customization - Effect control: Customization panel- Background Image / Video, Logo, Progress Line Bar - click checkedbox (each small box) -Click until a check disappears in all small boxes.
After all changes done, click composition HD1080p, press Ctrl + m to add render queue, click on lossless settings set Video format what you want, then set format option to H264.(h264 gives low video memory size and really good quality) Set destination And click render.
You can read and watch video tutorial "How to Save an MP4 in After Effects" on the website or or
If you have problem in adobe after effects, you can read and watch video tutorial on the websites :